Tuesday, January 13, 2009

so this is a bit of something I wrote 1

so this is a bit of something I wrote:

100,000 years in the future.
As I set down I realized that I was in a forest of trees thirty feet around, or more, and high as a third class skyscraper. And way up there were houses, the bottoms of the houses were not flat, but rounded, the corners filled by the trees.
Suddenly I noticed a small round doorknob. It was shiny and brass, sticking out of the tree trunk. I walked toward it, examined it and tried use it, as I pulled the door that was so well concealed, opened. Inside I seen first, an elaborate wooden spiral staircase, it was remarkable, made straight out of the living tree itself. Next and last I saw the source of the faint blue light. It came from several hand-sized, light-blue stones, light stones, embedded in the tree. They were smooth and squeaky to the touch, I ventured on, up the stairs, seeing that there was nothing else in this part if the tree. As I climbed I seen more and more light stones, some of which had been slightly obscured by twigs and their leaves, growing where there was light. As I neared the top there were more door knobs, some of which were fake, or locked from without. Nearer to the top I noticed a slight decreasing of the walls. At the top there were two doors, one was locked, the other was slightly ajar, I reached forward and cautiously pushed it open wider, beyond, there was a bridge, it was very high, and I wondered at the agility of the people who lived in this time, for there were no railings. only a slightly arched path was laid before me, the bridge was made from the branches of the two trees, the one I stood on, and the one I wished to cross to. the only safety precaution were flat boards, which were made of wood, and lashed down with vines. I carefully crossed and found my self looking at... Myself. There was a large sheet of glass, standing straight up and baring my way, but then I seen a knob, I pulled at it, the "door" opened. inside, was...

to be continued...

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