Friday, February 13, 2009

so this is a bit of some thing I wrote 4

Black figures,
Out of the night,
Spun and hooks and gave them flight.
Hooks caught,
Ropes taught,
Round and round the rope was wound,
Slowly, then the moon came down.
Their objective:
The old man,
The light in the sky for this nighttime land.
Stuffed in a bag,
Bound and quite gagged,
From there he was roughly dragged
To a man on a hill,
To a man with intent to kill.
For without the moon,
The light in the night,
No one could see him,
It would quite free him
From the confines Of hiding in pines,
Surrounding his house on the hill.
Now he could go out in the night,
Pillage, plunder, cause plight,
Turn houses into light,
Arson, thievery, burglary, theft,
Take what is wanted,
Leave nothing left,
It wasn't till his men got there,
That he noticed, what made him swear,
The old moon, old man,
still aglow,
sitting like a ball of snow,
All it took was a heaving throw,
to put him back where he should go.
To be continued...

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